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Erinnerungsort Ihnestraße
of Freien Universität Berlin
Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Ihnestraße 22
14195 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 838 66424
Web Content Editors:
Dr. Manuela Bauche
Sarah Vera John
Mika Kößler
Volker Strähle
Legal Form:
Freie Universität Berlin is a statutory body under public law in accordance with §§1 and 2 of the Berlin Law Relating to Institutions of Higher Learning (Berliner Hochschulgesetz, BerlHG).
Project team:
Dr. Manuela Bauche (Head of Project)
Volker Strähle (Associate Researcher)
Dr. Kerstin Stubenvoll (Associate Researcher)
Danna Marshall (Student Research Assistant)
Sarah Vera John (Student Research Assistant)
Mika Kößler (Student Research Assistant)
Additional research:
Dr. Thiago Pinto Barbosa, Sidney Rodrigues Ferrer, Dr. Hans Hesse, Judith Höhn-Engers, Weicheng Huang, Michael Lauter,Magdalena Jasy Lustig, Janika Raisch, Prof. Dr. Hans-Walter Schmuhl
Texte in Leichter Sprache (Easy German):
Büro für Leichte Sprache Lebenshilfe Sachsen e.V. (Anne Geißler)
Editing and translation:
INFOTEXT (Andreas Kaizik, Hannah Pöhlmann, Sandra Thiele) in collaboration with Charlotte Clark and Benjamin Quarshie
Final proofreading of English version:
Jon Cho-Polizzi, Marjory Ruiz
Alternative texts in German:
Mika Kößler
Translation of alternative texts:
Caroline Rued-Engel
Picture research and rights clearance:
Picture worX (Monika Bergmann)
Audio tracks in “Leichte Sprache” (Easy German):
Deutsches Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen (dzb lesen)
Camera and editing:
Mara Stirner, Vincent Kammer, Luca Vogel
Architectural photography (website):
Fritz Brunier
Programming (website):
Ron Warmbier
Exhibition graphic and web design:
vizibil (Marion Reis, Kristin Schlodder, Golnar Mehboubi Nejati)
Exhibition design and management:
thomas doetsch architekt (Thomas Doetsch, Anke Tiggemann)
Exhibition construction:
Baufirma Kern Bautzen, FS Elektrotechnik, Marotzke Malerbetrieb, Tischlerei Schuster Bautzen
Graphic production:
Radebeuler Machwerk
Media engineering:
Geiert-Tronic Videotechnik
Technical supervision:
Technical Department of the Freie Universität Berlin (Jules Fleischer, Ursula Hüffer, Stefan Lindemann, Gabriele Markert, Manuel Spree, Anja Urban, Markus Wehlke, Christoph Wetzel)
Organisations advisory board:
Anne Allex (Working Group “Marginalised – then and now”), Tahir Della (Initiative Black People in Germany), Annegret Ehmann (Group initiating the memorial plaques of 1986/87), Margret Hamm (Association of the Victims of “Euthanasia” and Forced Sterilisation), Israel Kaunatjike (OvaHerero representative, Berlin), Prof. Dr. Doron Kiesel (Central Council of Jews in Germany), Jan Kreutz (Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma), Peter Mast (Kellerkinder), Dr. Thiago Pinto Barbosa (Former project, Anja Reuss (Central Council of German Sinti and Roma), Petra Rosenberg (State Association of German Sinti and Roma in Berlin-Brandenburg), Sina Schindler (korientation. Network for Asian-German Perspectives), Vivian Yurdakul (Former student initiative KWI-A AG), Verena Lucia Nägel und Dr. Cord Pagenstecher (Digital Interview Collections, FU University Library)
Academic advisory board:
Dr. Karola Fings, PD Dr. Pascal Grosse, Dr. Judith Hahn, Prof. Dr. Swantje Köbsell, Petra Lutz, Prof. (i.R.) Dr. Carola Sachse, Prof. Dr. Hans-Walter Schmuhl
Academic expertise:
Prof. Dr. Robbie Aitken, Dr. Simone Erpel, Günter Heuzeroth, Dr. Anette Hoffmann, Dr. Holger Stoecker
Interview partners video clips:
Tahir Della, Margret Hamm, Dr. Bernhard Heeb, Israel Kaunatjike, Peter Mast, Prof. Dr. Staffan Müller-Wille, Prof. Dr. Susan Pollock
Thanks to the work of those before us:
Initiators of the memorial plaques of 1987 and 1988 (Prof. Dr. Benno Müller-Hill, Anna Bergmann, Götz Aly, Gabriele Czarnowski, Annegret Ehmann, Susanne Heim), Dr. Christl Wickert, Prof. Dr. Bilgin Ayata, exhibition and website “Manufacturing Race” 2013 (Dr. Thiago Pinto Barbosa, Dr. Owen Brown, Julia Kirchner, Luca Mundle, Julia Scheurer), KWI-A AG 2017/18 (Momme Diederichsen, Yasmina Lehmkuhl, Charlotte Weber, Greta Wilde, Vivian Yurdakul)
Preliminary consultation on exhibition design and scenography:
Franke | Steinert GmbH (Vera Franke, Christian Klier, Lilija Schick, Frank Steinert, Raphael Walser), visual intelligence (Danielle Rosales, Robin Coenen), Dr. Ariane Karbe
Feedback on the texts:
Ismael Benkrama, Dr. Karola Fings, Dr. Uwe Herrmann, Tony Klinger, Sandra Koch, Maria Koschewski, Alexandra Kuhles, Paulina Lange, Dr. Dominique Miething, Sophie Taubert
At Freie Universität Berlin, we would like to thank:
Prof. Dr. Sabine Achour, Pascal Barnofsky, Mike Baumgart, Prof. Dr. Thomas Beddies, Joscha Dapper, Benedikt Daske, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Faas, Andrea Güttner, Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders, Mirco Hardtke, Stefanie Härtel, Prof. Dr. Miriam Hartlapp, Dr. Uwe Herrmann, Nadine Hund, Ursula Hüffer, IT-Service des Fachbereichs Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften, Judith Jäckel, Dr. Japhet Johnstone, Anne Kadolph, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Kerchner, Goran Krstin, Prof. Dr. Bernd Ladwig, Laura Lelli, Mona Plenker, Prof. Dr. Susan Pollock, Prof. Dr. Thomas Rixen, Jan Schmidt, Susann Schmidt, Corinna Schroeder, Anja Schwarzer, Tooka Tajali-Awal, Melanie Wruck, Prof. Dr. Günter M. Ziegler, die Studierende des Tutoriums Nr. 6 zur Vorlesung „Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft, WS 2023/24”
For sharing their families’ stories, we would like to thank:
Stefan Alexander, Susanne Borinski, Urmilla Deshpande, Herta Kaiser, Gisela und Bernd Johannsen
LOTTO-Stiftung Berlin (German Lottery Foundation Berlin)
Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V.)
Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft der Freunde, Förderer und Ehemaligen der Freien Universität Berlin e. V.
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